this another one

ni diambil dari salah sorang blogger yang komen dalam blog maria elena. minta maaf saya tumoang copy. 

I guess after I live abroad for so long, I do realised, most of us, Malaysian dreams something based on people perception. We usually think by having a good job or being a professional we can do good thing and have better life style.That is somehow true but we are leaving in "too much" what people think someone should be.Yet we forget what we like to do and what make you excite us the most when we wake up every morning.When you do something that you love and passion about, everything will be turn out matter what it is and Insyallah will make you happy

and..We tend to have different perception on western countries nowadays. even thought there is good and bad things overthr but most of islamic values are mostly being adapt and practise in western countries.If someone travel abroad will likely to realise this.We see most Islam in western countries sometimes. surprisingly the most growing religion of Islam is in UK and Australia

I encourage, we Malaysian to travel a lot as other western people do, to get life time will learn a lot of beautiful things that meaningful to you then spending money buying unnecessary stuff :)



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